Since passing motorcycle riding school, I've spent a little bit of every day except one practicing riding my bike. So far, I've only stayed in the quiet neighborhood where I live, and, before today, I'd yet to exceed thirty miles per hour. I'm highly conscientious of the fact that my neighbors have precious lives, and that I'm not cordoned off in a parking lot. I know that my practice area is the area in which they (and their children and their pets and so on) live, and so I move about on my sparkling new Harley about as quickly as a sloth goes through the upper part of the rainforest.
I'm most comfortable turning right, so we turn right out of the driveway and toddle on down the street. There's one speed hump between our driveway and the corner, and I love easing over it; for a moment, it's kind of like being on a loud seesaw. When we reach the end of the block, we always turn right, and this time it's because turning left would take us to a major thoroughfare, and before today I'd not yet reached a major thoroughfare skill level. So, daily, we wind right and tootle up the subdivision block by block.
When I say "we," I mean my husband and me. I ride my 2013 Heritage Softail Classic, and he motors behind me on his 2009 Road King Classic. He has been riding dirt bikes since 1973 or so, and he's ridden his Road King for over three years, so he knows what he's doing on a motorcycle. He must be bored out of his mind. But, unlike me, he is patient. He follows me at a safe distance, like some kind of guardian angel with a furry mustache and a half helmet. When I stop at an empty intersection, he'll pull alongside of me and offer encouraging words. Most importantly, he never complains or rushes me.
Our neighborhood is a quiet, working-class neighborhood. My husband grew up here, left when he went to college, and now, more then two dozen years later, finds himself living with his family in the house that he grew up in. It's not a fancy neighborhood; it's filled with brick ranch-style homes. What I love most is that the people who live here truly represent American diversity. Right next door live an elderly Anglo couple who've been living here for over four decades, but across the street, the kids outside playing holler to each other in a mixture of Spanish and English, and a few blocks over a Muslim family often can be seen walking back from soccer practice with the older boy wearing his shorts and cleats and the mom dressed and covered according to
All kinds of other creatures and points of interest exist here, too. On the corner of 41st and Rose sits a house that sports custom-painted low riders in brilliant colors that match the Arizona sunsets. Every morning at this house, an old Boxer stands on the front lawn and raises his back leg and whizzes as if he's standing next to the giant palm tree that graces the front yard. But he's probably blind because he's a good six or seven feet away, and, really, he's whizzing into nothing.
Three or four houses down from us lives a sparky German Shepherd who barks every time we walk or ride by. And over on 39th and Rose is a house that is so overly decorated for each holiday that it looks like something out of Chevy Chase's
Christmas Vacation. The house, the roof, and the front yard are literally covered inch by inch in lights of varying colors. This past Halloween, we went up to this house with our youngest son for trick or treating, and he was practically shaking in anticipation of what goodies such a gauche residence could dispense. I said, "They probably spend so much money on their electric bills that you shouldn't expect too much in booty." Sure enough, the kindly old man buried beneath the wires and bulbs slid a single Dum Dum lollipop into Andrew's outstretched pillowcase. I contend that the thrill lay in the momentary wonder of wandering the small electric forest, but Andrew was a little disappointed at the spoils.
We've only lived here six months, and I admit that already one of the benefits I see of practicing my motorcycle riding skills in my 'hood that I actually get to
see where I live and thus dwell here in an entirely new way.
Mostly, we ride in rectangles, up and down the streets north and east of our house. Our middle son, Cody, says that every time we drive by, our two dogs, an Airedale and a miniature Schnauzer, go a little crazy, barking and wagging their tails behind the solid front door until they realize that, yet again, we are not stopping.
Scooting around the blocks in my Softail, I'm practicing braking smoothly and stopping where I intend to stop instead of ten feet too soon. When I stop too soon, I have to skooch to the corner to ascertain if there's any oncoming traffic, but it's not so easy to skooch a vehicle that weighs as much as a smallish elk. I'm also working on up-shifting and down-shifting and feel a little heady when the Harley gains enough speed to warrant third gear.
But today, today!, Virgil's Hawg needed gas, and we needed to do something about it. So we rode north all the way to the end of the subdivision, and we intended to turn right onto Glendale Avenue, which is definitely a major road. As I sat at the corner of 39th at Glendale, the place where our subdivision spills out into the whole wide world, waiting for the light to turn green, the side mirror revealed the short line of cars forming behind Virgil on 39th. After a few cars whisked by on Glendale, it was perfectly safe to turn right on red, but I couldn't do it. I just didn't have the confidence. So I waited, and when the light turned green, my Harley and I lurched forward, hesitating just a little and wobbling slightly like a toddler, and then we headed about three blocks down toward the QT gasoline station on the right. I slowed down, down-shifted, and pulled into the parking lot like I had been riding a motorcycle for years.
Heading home, we again turned right onto Glendale and went right at 35th, skirting the eastern edge of the subdivision, and, driving down 35th Avenue, I managed to blaze such a trail that the fourth gear (of six) was required. I'm pretty sure that for a least a few startling seconds I broke forty miles per hour. When I reached Maryland, I down-shifted all the wayy to second and bore right.
By this time, my heart felt as wide as the Grand Canyon, and I felt the need to head directly home lest something spoil my success. I'm glad to tell you, dear reader, since this is a blog and not a Victorian novel, that the ride during the remaining ten blocks home was, in fact, eventless. I even managed to pull into the driveway in first gear in one fluid motion.
In total, we were probably on the road for ten minutes today, but it was a victorious ten minutes. Being on the Hawg is similar to practicing yoga; the discomfort of the unfamiliar takes all of my attention. I don't have time to attend to my usual preoccupations. Right now, I simply must be in the moment, concentrate, and drive.